Keerthy Suresh's much-awaited film Kannivedi is set to make its mark as a gripping Tamil-language tech thriller. The project, helmed by debutant director Ganesh Raj, revolves around the journey of a media student navigating unexpected challenges. While the theatrical release date remains under wraps, it has been reported that Netflix might stream the film post its cinematic run. The project, produced by Dream Warrior Productions, has been in the spotlight since its announcement.
When and Where to Watch Kannivedi
The streaming platform Netflix has acquired the rights to the Tamil thriller, as per multiple reports. While the film's theatrical release date has not yet been finalised, Netflix might offer the movie to its audience shortly after its theatre run concludes. Fans can expect the OTT release to follow the usual timeline for Tamil films, which is approximately 30–45 days post its big-screen debut.
Official Trailer and Plot of Kannivedi
The trailer for Kannivedi is yet to be unveiled, but the storyline promises an intense and suspenseful experience. The film centres on a media student with journalistic ambitions. Keerthy Suresh's character finds herself investigating a news story that takes an unexpected turn, drawing her into a high-stakes situation. The title, which translates to "a spectacle for the eyes," hints at its potential visual brilliance, promising a unique blend of thrills and drama.
Cast and Crew of Kannivedi
Keerthy Suresh plays the lead role in this women-centric thriller, alongside VJ Rakshan, who portrays her friend. The ensemble cast also includes Ajay Ghosh and Namita Krishnamurthy in pivotal roles. Ganesh Raj, who has previously worked under acclaimed directors Ram and Hari, makes his directorial debut with this film. The technical team includes Madhesh Manickam as the cinematographer and JV Manikanda Balaji as the editor. Art direction by Sakthee Venkatraj adds to the visual appeal, while Eford oversees the editing department. The film is produced by SR Prabhu and SR Prakash Babu under Dream Warrior Productions.
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